Il valore inclusivo dell’orientamento nella Scuola secondaria di secondo grado: la parola ai/alle docenti orientatori/orientatrici
guidance, upper secondary school, inclusion, oriented teacher, life projectAbstract
The educational guidance activities aimed at the secondary School, which started in the 2023/24 school year, represent a means of accompanying each pupil towards global growth and the construction of his or her own future, in full recognition of his or her own limits and capabilities. The innovative interventions, promoted by Ministerial Decree no. 328/2022 and by the subsequent new Guidelines for school orientation for the first and second cycle of education, envisage the institution of the new figures of the tutor teacher and the guidance teacher to support the choices of all students in the continuation of their course of study or in entering the world of work. This contribution proposes a case study conducted at two upper secondary schools in Rome from which positions, reflections, considerations and evaluations by the guidance teachers emerge regarding the degree of incisiveness and/or criticality of the educational practices of guidance.
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