Razzismo e xenofobia nei social network. La pedagogia interculturale tra tecnologie e nuove emergenze


  • Federico Zannoni




racism, xenophobia, intercultural education, social network, hate speech


Antonio Roversi published L’odio in rete (The hate on the web) in 2006. At a time when the Internet was still presented as a formidable diffusor of cosmopolitanism, universalism and egalitarianism, the author brought to light its dark side made of racist and anti-Semitic sites, incitements to hatred and hostility towards the minorities. The subsequent appearance of the social networks has amplified these phenomena, bringing hate speech from the virtual world to the everyday contexts and relationships. These issues inevitably attack the lives of children and adolescents, assiduous and often undefended users of virtual environments, and therefore constitute an important educational emergency, to which the education sciences are called to respond by opposing a perspective based on pluralism, dialogue, listening and active tolerance.

