Valutazione descrittiva per gli alunni con disabilità e nuovo PEI: una sfida nella formazione degli insegnanti di sostegno
descriptive assessment, Individualized Education Plan, Primary School, disability, support teacherAbstract
Abstract – The most recent legislative references that involved the Italian Primary School with regard to the periodic and final assessment of the learning outcomes of the pupils of the Primary School classes (Ministerial Order No. 172/2020) and the adoption of the national IEP model (Interministerial Decree No.182/2020) can represent a challenge in the training of support teachers in order to grasp it the intertwining and the pedagogical-teaching scope. This contribution attempts to highlight the points of contact between the two legislative references, focusing on the necessary relationship between the descriptive assessment for pupils with disabilities and the individualized education program, within an inclusive framework.
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