Nuove tecnologie e pensiero computazionale fra passato e presente: un’esperienza didattica nella scuola del primo ciclo


  • Angela Balestra



computational thinking, coding education, digital innovation, educational robotics, constructivism


In spite of a myriad of contradictions, the school is undergoing change owing to the increasing variety of technological tools which have invaded the classroom and brought into discussion not only the type of organisation within the classroom but also the role of the teacher. This article describes an experiment, carried out in the scholastic year of 2016/2017 with primary and junior high school pupils, which has been trying out, as an approach to computational thinking, little robots which can be programmed with Scratch, a language of intuitive and visual oriented programming. Some situations have also included the use of so-called “unplugged” methods, which do not require programming, as far as information technology is concerned. The context which gave rise to the experiment is analysed as well as the reasons behind it and the changes it has brought about in teaching. Over the years, the teachers’ focus has shifted from digital tools used in teaching to the processes underpinning the use of little robots requiring programming in order to work. In this phase of the experiment, pupils’ behaviour was closely observed and the data collected by each teacher formed the basis of a general discussion among colleagues regarding their opinions and useful ideas for future development. Much thought was given to In this work we reflect on to the application of this new area of knowledge taking into consideration how the lack of consolidated experience and the speed of innovation make it difficult to evaluate with precision its role in the curriculum and its efficacy in the teaching/learning process. Starting from the 1980s, the most significant steps of technological illiteracy within compulsory education are retraced through an examination of ministerial intervention carried out and the critical nature implicit in the challenge of innovation.





Sezione III: Sperimentazioni e buone pratiche