Contenuti digitali e pratica di insegnamento. Lo studio di caso di un repository di scuola superiore di II grado


  • Laura Sara Agrati



TPCK, digital contents, intellectual property rights, case-study


Technological resources offer indisputable opportunities to teachers who want to renew the contents and strategies of their teaching and provide students’ active learning processes. An example for everyone is the thematic repository of digital educational content that can be used with active methodologies such as flipped classroom and inquiry-based learning (Bergmann & Sams, 2012; Strayer, 2012; Huang & Chiu, 2015). As suggested by the descriptive model of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge – TPCK (Harris, Mishra, & Koehler, 2009; Koehler, Mishra, & Yahya, 2007), all this requires the teacher to rethink the relationship with his knowledge and students themselves (Charlot, 1997, Vincent & Carnus, 2015) as well as a new type of knowledge that specifically deals with the choice and use of digital content, their re-elaboration and protection from the legal point of view. The contribution, retrieving the reflections from the TPCK model, calls for a discussion on the type of technological knowledge required today to the teacher for a ‘wise use’ (Jenkins, 2010, Rivoltella, 2013) – but also an effective and ‘legal’ – of digital resources. Through a case study – based on the analysis of a thematic repository in use in a High School of Bari province – will be highlighted, in their didactic implications, aspects such as the computer security, the intellectual property of digital resources by teachers and by others, the access/use by students.

