Famiglia, scuola e mondo virtuale. Come la Rete sta modificando le dinamiche familiari e scolastiche


  • Rosa Grazia Romano




virtual reality, family, school, relationship, discomfort


The article proposes a reinterpretation of the misuse of the Internet which doesn’t involve only teenagers but also families and teachers. The different way of using the Internet (socialization, sharing, documentation, cyber-bullying, pornography, sexting, etc.) depends on the personal balance and the relational difficulties experienced by individuals in the “offline” life. Spending too much time online is a symptom related to all those personal, family and school problems, which are still unresolved. Educators should worry not only about what adolescents are performing on the Web, but also about the way they are living and acting outside the Web, in the real life. Above all, the role of emotional and relational education should be reconsidered in order to enable everyone (primarily parents and teachers) to recognize the different forms of his/her own human fragility. This permits the individual to build emotional and supportive bonds and to open himself/herself up to social, ethical and axiological dimensions in life.

