Greek Primary Education in the Context of the European Life Long Learning Area: the transformations and the new (?) roles


  • Andreas Vassilopoulos University of Patras Higher Education Policy Network



The present paper argues that the adoption of the Lisbon Strategy provided the EU with the tools – mainly the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) – to finally construct a functional European Lifelong Learning (LLL) area spanning all levels and types of education and learning, “from the cradle to the grave”. Accordingly, it puts forward the respective legislative initiatives introduced by the Greek government concerning Primary Education (PE) commenting on both its new roles in the context of the European LLL area and  its place in the Greek LLL strategy.

Author Biography

Andreas Vassilopoulos, University of Patras Higher Education Policy Network

Andreas Vassilopoulos (Thessaloniki, Greece, 1975) è membro della University of Patras Higher Education Policy Network ( I suoi interessi di ricerca, in questo contesto, si concentrano sulle politiche di LLL dell’Unione Europea e, in particolare, sul loro rapporto con l’istruzione primaria, soprattutto in Grecia. Negli ultimi dieci anni, ha pubblicato un libro sulla politica europea dell’istruzione (Metaichmio publ, in greco), una serie di articoli sia in inglese che in greco e ha presentato il suo lavoro di ricerca in diversi convegni prevalentemente internazionali (XIV WCCES Congress, Istanbul, 2010; “European Educational Research Journal”, 11, 4, 2012; 8th ICE 2012 Conference in Samos). Attualmente lavora presso la Moraitis School di Atene.

