La crisi della coppia nel romanzo L’esclusa di Pirandello: la letteratura come consapevolezza di sé


  • Lina Grossi
  • Roberta Russo



female status, women’s exclusion, couple’s relationship crisis, lexicon of emotional terms, literature teaching


This paper offers a perspective on Pirandello’s novel  L’esclusa with focus on a couple’s relationship crisis. Published over a century ago, L’esclusa is an acutely observed novel about female status in a patriarchal society. Three main topics will be explored: the lexicon of emotional terms that shape this novel stylistic hallmark; the examination of the main characters, their relationship dynamics and the issue of women’s exclusion within the family and society at large, both in the past and present day; the intertextual links with coeval and modern novels dealing with the theme of violence against women and female status. This analysis of the novel might open up fur-ther opportunities both in terms of literature teaching and, more widely, to encourage reflective practice among the younger generations and support them in their self discovery journey.

