Promuovere lo scambio tra pari in coppia nel contesto dello 0-6. Analisi di un esempio di dispositivo formativo mediato dall’uso del video
professional development, ECEC, quality, peer-tutoring, observationAbstract
Abstract – The article, starting with findings from research experiences and pilot projects regarding cross-cultural exchange in pre-service education, presents and discusses the potential of a training tool centered on peer exchange in pairs: a reflexive device that activates critical re-examination processes of educational practices and bottom-up innovation by combining the potential of video-feedback with insights from disclosure interviews and peer-tutoring strategies. How can one activate educational processes that reconcile quality and sustainability? The objective of the article is to start a reflection on the need to develop streamlined and sustainable tools, able to activate peer exchange and diversify and broaden the range of training situations, by also providing moments of individual activation and exchanges between colleagues and between services. The intervention strategies of the coordinator and the trainer who initiate, guide and monitor these processes are also investigated.
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