Learning paths of students with migratory background: early school leaving and future selves


  • Caterina Bembich




early school leaving, future selves, foreign-born student, inclusion, vulnerability


Abstract Students with a migratory background represent a constantly growing segment of the Italian school population. Therefore, it is more pressing than every to highlight aspects of their particular vulnerability. The difficulties encountered by these students may be attributed to a set of factors that often place them in situations of risk of school failure. One aspect correlated with academic achievement and dropout is the concept of possible future self. Possible selves constitute the representation that people create of themselves in the future, thus embodying the personal expectations and goals they wish to achieve. Possible selves are socially constructed and can be modified depending on the contexts, by the experiences and opportunities encountered. Starting from these premises, this study aims to investigate factors that may affect the learning path of students with a migrant background, through using an exploratory survey with first and second secondary school degree students.


