Metodologie per l’orientamento consapevole tra innovazione didattica e riflessività professionale: percorsi di formazione per docenti di scuola secondaria


  • Miriam Bassi
  • Severo Cardone



lifelong guidance, teacher education, soft skills, professional reflexivity


Abstract Classrooms represent a privileged learning environment not only for the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, but also for the enhancement of students' soft skills, personal and social competences that are indispensable for the construction of 'healthy', mature and conscious identities capable of intentionally pursuing personal life intentions and projecting themselves more effectively into their future. Secondary school teachers, in their role as activators and facilitators of reflections, interactions and decisions, are called upon to play a central role in supporting and accompanying students in a generative and transformative process aimed at promoting greater self-awareness, effective planning of their own goals and the development of emotional and soft skills.

