La prospettiva del corpo. Note sul laboratorio di Metodi e didattiche delle attività motorie e sportive nel Corso di Specializzazione per il Sostegno


  • Antonio Donato



body, sport, physical cultural studies, metamorphosis, TFA


Abstract The formation of special needs teachers that emerges from the laboratory "Methods and teaching of exercise and sports activities" in Italy is a valid example to analyze the processes of subjectivation and objectification of the body, and to broaden the discussion on those topics. This reflection, that starts from the teaching experience, moves through the theoretical framework of Physical Cultural Studies and Disability Studies. This frame is apt at weaving a perspective of/from the body which proposes the process of metamorphosis as a process of formation. The laboratory proposes a reflection on incorporated knowledge aiming at rethinking the epistemic foundations of the disciplines of the aspiring teachers but also aiming at reframing sports teaching itself. The overall aim of the paper is to foster a relational perspective, which places the body of pupils with disabilities at the center of any training work.

