L’apprendimento professionale del tutor nei Corsi di Specializzazione per il Sostegno: traiettorie possibili di percorsi formativi


  • Milena Pomponi
  • Gianluca Amatori




inclusive profile specialized teacher support, trainee tutor, coordinator tutor, professional learning development


Abstract The contribution offers reflections with reference to the development of professional learning (Calvert, 2016) of the teacher tutor of the trainees and of the teacher tutor coordinator within the specialization courses for teaching support activities for pupils with disabilities (D.M. 30 September 2011). The analysis and interpretations that led to the reflection advanced within the text made use of the support of the New Index for Inclusion by scholar Booth and Ainscow. The intent is to think about possible training courses in a perspective of inclusive policies and practices within which the teacher tutor of the trainees and the teacher tutor coordinator can play active roles and their experience can be exploited in a perspective of dissemination and contamination.

