Spunti teorico-metodologici per ri-fondare l’alleanza scuola-famiglia e territorio nel tempo della crisi multilivello
systemic-ecological approach, multilevel crisis, parenthood diffused, global learning, routine and rituality of the school-family-territory alliance devicesAbstract
Abstract – The rarity of school-family meeting devices intentionally designed and built in Italian scholastic institutions reveals the difficulty of managers and teachers to consider the numerous repercussions that these can have on the student and his family, on the school and even on the wider community close relationship with these basic educational agencies. Although more than fifty years have passed since the formulation of the theory of systems and a little less since the deepening of that ecological model which sees the development of the child taking place within a set of different but interconnected contexts, the analysis of the international and national literature highlights how the school is still struggling today to problematize the theme of school-family alliances in a pedagogical-systemic key; considering them at most useful for the improvement of disciplinary learning and not already relationships to be consolidated to ensure "global learning" for each student. For that reason, the contribution presents some epistemological and methodological ideas useful for promoting a more democratic, conscious and advantageous participation of the family in the school life of the children from the very beginning, in order to satisfy their overall and even unprecedented needs at a time moreover of multilevel crisis.
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