La costruzione collettiva dei contesti inclusivi: il Patto tra scuole, famiglie e comunità territoriali


  • Silvia Ferrante



Community educational pacts, educational partnerships, teachers training


Abstract –The contribution aims to open a reflection on how much educational partnerships between schools, families, and community can contribute to the development of an inclusive school, meaning by inclusion a process that empowers all the local actors of the educating communities to the synergistic construction of effective learning spaces for all. Starting with an open look at the international context, through the analysis of some forms of community schools, we arrive at the constitutional principle of horizontal subsidiarity. This principle focuses on education as a common good, opening the possibility for a new school model: a school that co-designs educational and training interventions in synergy with families and the local community, through a policy tool, the “Community Educational Pact”. The paper moves on by presenting data showing that it is still necessary to work on the construction of an inclusive vision, as the result of professional collaborations inside and outside school communities.


