La scuola inclusiva come contesto di cura e di formazione del docente specializzato


  • Patrizia Gaspari
  • Grazia Lombardi
  • Susanna Testa



inclusive training, specialized and curricolar teacher, transversal skills, critical issues of TFA


Abstract The article makes some critical reflections on the 'current training of the specialized teacher as an inclusive agent by highlighting lights and shadows characterizing the construction of an adequate theoretical-practical background of the caring and helping professionist. Hence the need to re-problematize epistemological foundations, competencies, design models, and good didactic-organizational practices, in order to analyze dilemmatic situations, hyper-specialized and antithetical depersonalizing generalist conceptions, in the design of a school context capable of valuing differences and diversity. There is no shortage of interesting considerations on the role exercised by training, including in current “TFA courses”, as well as in-service teacher training. In the incessant search for the delicate game of balances, not without contradictions of difficult resolution, the innovative trajectory of meaning is rap-presented by the diffusivity of knowledge and the transversality of interdisciplinary skills.


