Education speaks many languages. Una Ricerca-Formazione sull’introduzione dell’inglese e di altre lingue nei servizi per l’infanzia della Regione Emilia-Romagna


  • Alessandra Rosa
  • Andrea Ciani
  • Licia Masoni



bilingualism, bilingual education, English, childcare, professional development research


Abstract The paper focuses on the Project “Feeling English in the 0-3-6 age group”, which originated from an agreement between the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Department of Education Studies of the University of Bologna to enable educational staff to introduce English and other languages in the 0-3-6 day care services and nurseries. This is a three-year Professional Development Research, with a pre-experimental design, which aims to accompany the educational staff to gain an understanding of the importance of a bilingual educational approach and to implement specific strategies to introduce English in daily educational activities. The focus of the contribution is particularly on the first results of the study carried out in the first year of the project (2021-22), which involved more than 500 day-care staff belonging to 75 day-cares and nurseries located in Emilia-Romagna. The results that emerged from the questionnaires administered to the educational staff provided useful suggestions for the purpose of partly redesigning the intervention for the following year.





II SEZIONE - La ricerca educativa per la formazione degli insegnanti