La lingua come fenomeno da osservare: dalla didattica delle scienze alla didattica dell’Italiano


  • Alessandra Anichini
  • Loredana Camizzi
  • Francesca Pestellini



inductive method, rethinking the curriculum, best practices, language and literary education, transdisciplinarity education


Abstract The LS approach (Laboratori del Sapere – Laboratories of knowledge) proposes the extension of the phenomenological-inductive method, typically applied in the STEM area, to different disciplinary fields, starting with the Italian language. This paper explores a part of the research-action project developed in the last three years by Indire in collaboration with the Tuscan school network “Laboratories of scientific knowledge” and with some schools of the Movimento di Avanguardie Educative (Educational Avant-gardes Movement), focusing on “observation”, as the starting point of any learning path. Observation, as a cross-discipline element, is placed at the core of this methodology, and represents one of the fundamental phases of the didactic activity, aiming to overcome the transmissive model of teaching. By establishing a close connection between experience and knowledge, this approach is able to stimulate a pro-active learning attitude, while helping the students acquire a deep understanding of reality.





II SEZIONE - La ricerca educativa per la formazione degli insegnanti