Una ricerca sulle competenze linguistiche nelle classi prime della scuola primaria: quale contributo per la formazione degli insegnanti?


  • Elisa Farina




teaching of writing, teachers training, Primary School, word segmentation, narrative skills


Abstract The teaching of reading-writing in Primary School is closely linked both to the teachers' conception of written language and how they think pupils acquire it. Starting from these assumptions, the present contribution intends to illustrate the training processes developed from Italian data obtained in broader research, carried out in collaboration with the University of Grenoble Alpes (France) and Almería (Spain), aimed at describing the spelling and narrative skills of pupils aged 6 to 11. By entering into dialogue with professional practice, the purpose was both to bring out teachers' conceptions of written language and how pupils learn it, and to describe and clarify teachers' practices in relation to pupils' learning outcomes. The findings so far show that there is a clear correlation between the teachers' representations – especially their consideration of writing as a socio-cultural object and their accurate knowledge of the conceptualisation process of written language – and the pupils' narrative skills.





II SEZIONE - La ricerca educativa per la formazione degli insegnanti