Formare i docenti alla scrittura manuale: nostalgia o necessità?


  • Valeria Angelini



handwriting, disgraphy, learning processes, primary school, teacher training, handwriting, disgraphy, learning processes, primary school, teacher training


Abstract Relevant international research investigated the neurological connection between manual writing and learning. Such studies give evidence that the act of writing is not only a product of motion with a communicative purpose but it is part of a learning process; therefore, writing should be considered and directed as such. On the other hand, we cannot ignore that learning to read, write and perform calculations are “culturally mediated activities, whose acquisition inevitably involves environmental determinants”. The contribution aims to present the results of the survey questionnaire within the research “Methods and techniques to teach writing: inclusive didactic strategies”. The aim is to investigate the awareness, among teachers, of the processes involved in learning manual writing. In addition, the research evaluates the level of knowledge and awareness of teachers of the correlation between manual writing problems, learning problems and a sense of self-efficacy. The aim is to identify a possible research development including analysis of the training needs pedagogical and didactic hypothesis on the subject.





II SEZIONE - La ricerca educativa per la formazione degli insegnanti