La didattica, le didattiche per favorire lo sviluppo delle competenze e degli apprendimenti


  • Roberta Cardarello
  • Elisabetta Nigris
  • Rosario Salvato



teacher training, teaching strategies, activation, effective learning, inclusion


Abstract Contemporary didactic research investigates didactic action and the key role of the teacher in the creation of favourable conditions for an effective learning process. Teaching strategies can be functional to overcoming the transmissive ‘non-method’ in favour of a more inclusive didactic. Both neurolinguistics and studies on effective teachers confirm the positive correlation between effective learning and student involvement/activation, the possibility of recognising the meaning of teaching proposals and the use of feedback (Hattie 2009). Teachers need an articulated use of different functional learning strategies, such as collaborative, or exploratory, or metacognitive architecture, designed within or across disciplines, which can propose relevant experiences such as the proposal of conceptual, complex and/or practical-complex tasks (Rey, 2014), which gradually shift the design from knowledge-centred objectives towards simple skills and especially complex skills that can contribute to the development of competences.





I SEZIONE - Dalla ricerca educativa alla formazione degli insegnanti: didattica, valutazione e ascolto