Uno strumento per valutare le competenze del docente specializzato: il questionario BEST (BEcome a Special education Teacher)


  • Marta De Angelis



teacher education; evaluation tools; special education teacher; professional skills


In Italy, after the introduction of training courses for specialized support teacher for pupils with disabilities, there are different methods and theoretical reference frameworks of evaluating student skills acquired at the end of these courses. This makes the need to define shared learning outcomes and assessment tools. The objective of this paper is to illustrate a tool for self-assessment of teacher professional skills who specialize in educational support activities for pupils with disabilities, BEST – BEcome a Special education Teacher. In particular, the construction phases of the questionnaire, the structure, as well as the results relating to an exploratory factor analysis will be described. The data resulting from the questionnaire can promote self-reflection for each individual student and provide initial information about the impact of training activities on teacher professional behavior.



