La percezione dei docenti di insegnamento-apprendimento nel periodo emergenziale COVID-19: una ricerca nella Scuola Siciliana


  • Alessandra La Marca
  • Federica Martino



Covid-19 pandemic, teaching, learning, organizational strategies, self-regulation


Distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a novelty for which teachers and students were not prepared for. The research on the experience of 1364 Sicilian teachers made it possible to collect information on the organizational and didactic strategies activated, on the critical issues and on the evaluation of the didactic effectiveness of the interventions carried out. Teachers' perceptions of self-regulation, planning, information management, correction and evaluation strategies were systematically analysed. The research aims at increasing the teachers’ awareness. Knowing the effects of teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic is essential to better understand not only how to implement it, but also how to build the future to face the emergencies of this particular situation.

