Il Memoriale degli italiani di Auschwitz come strumento di formazione per la scuola. L’opera d’arte come strumento di didattica quotidiana in un istituto professionale


  • Luca Bravi



Italian Memorial of Auschwitz, didactics of history, public history of education, social history of education, professional technical institutes


On 8 May 2019, the “Memorial of the Italians of Auschwitz” was opened to the public, restored and renovated. The artwork was originally installed (1980) in the Auschwitz State Museum to narrate the Italian deportation. Personalities of Italian culture such as the writer and witness Primo Levi, the painter Mario Pupino Samonà, the musician Luigi Nono and the architecture studio BBPR collaborated. In 2011 the management of the Auschwitz museum declared the work no longer didactically suitable and closed Block 21 that housed it, leaving the Memorial in a state of neglect, until the Tuscany Region organized its transfer to Italy. The Institute “Saffi” in Florence, in collaboration with the University of Florence, has created an experience of Public History of Education with the aim of reworking Memorial teaching function in the 21st century.

