La formazione dell’insegnante a una pedagogia del sentire. Un dialogo tra Friedrich Schiller e Hannah Arendt


  • Maria D'Ambrosio



Mobile-teacher-body, Aesthetic education, Tactility, Plural set, Living shape


The need for an aesthetic education of Man, intended as Schiller does, re-emerges in a reflection on teacher training and as a pedagogical opportunity to structure an interdisciplinary and “embodied” vision to the knowledge. A vision that restores sensitivity to the teacher's epistemological and methodological posture and opens up the possibility of a formative action that is qualified as an education to/of feeling and constitutes, just with Schiller, another domain that does not oppose but rather recomposes the unity rational-sensitive, ethical and aesthetic, in a becoming process that is a game of the "living form". Along this trajectory, the political thought of Hannah Arendt (1971-1978) is intercepted to recognize category of appearance as the relational dimension that connotes the sentient being, proposing an aesthetic curvature and a phenomenological matrix to education itself.

The ontological need for an education to feeling that re-qualifies appearance and its plurality, returns into this paper as a premise and frame for a workshop proposal and the consequent experience lived by a group of students, future teachers and educators, to reflect on the meaning of this experience and on its pedagogical efficacy or necessity, which is recognized in that “incessant search for the background underlying mere appearances” (Arendt) which connotes modern science as much as a possible pedagogical poetics. In this sense, retracing the thoughts of Schiller and Arendt can help to reconfigure a Bildung model capable to recognize the function of the arts and re-found a pedagogical model on the link between active life and contemplative life.

