Il Roundabout. Un approccio per l’educazione professionale


  • Andrea Spano



professional education, training, educational approaches, education of adults, Roundabout.


The educational needs that emerge during the training processes for educators, create new questions about the adequacy of the Professional Training Construct. Particularly all the sets of theories and practices related to the development and enhancement of professional skills and knowledge. Pedagogy must reach new frontiers in Professional Education. Lifelong learning processes, that are the foundation of the personal achievement at the professional level, need a critical device. The following article presents an educational social mediated approach, created for the pre-service education of Cagliari University’s students of Science of Education course. This pattern, called Roundabout, is based on narration, dialogue, educational democracy and the sharing of emotions. Roundabout PE can make students able to turn the lived events into a concret educative experiences.


