Le competenze del tutor di tirocinio nel Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’educazione e della formazione


  • Silvio Premoli
  • Domenico Simeone




practice pedagogy, theory-practice dialogue, social pedagogues education


The rethinking of the practitioners’ education at the center of the international debate also involves the world of education and social care. It is increasingly important to build Social Pedagogues education able to develop reflective practitioners, acting as researchers in their educational work, thinking about their own practices, experimenting day by day and, in this way, learning to spread their competences. Since its establishment the degree course in Sciences of Education has been characterized by a strong innovative role and by a professionalizing dimension. Alongside the theoretical disciplines, the degree program provides traineeship activities for students in order to integrate the development of practice skills in the education of future practitioners. If the traineeship becomes a bridge between theoretical frameworks and practical experiences, the traineeship tutor is therefore a professional who knows how to make synthesis and unity between practices and theories.

