La “collezione tipo” per l’insegnamento della fisica nelle scuole popolari e normali (1880). Un contributo alla diffusione della cultura scientifica e al superamento dell’insegnamento verbalistico nella scuola italiana del secondo Ottocento
physics, teaching, school, museum, Antonio LabriolaAbstract
This contribution is part of a research project on the history of the Museum of Instruction and Education. This essay focuses on one of the most innovative aspects of Antonio Labriola’s museum management: the creation of teaching material. It is specifically being considered here the collection for the teaching of physics in popular and normal schools carried out in 1880. According to the author, this collection constitutes one of the tools used by the Museum of Instruction and Education both to contribute to the dissemination of scientific culture and to overcome the verbal teaching in the Italian school of the second half of the nineteenth century and to overcome the differences (inequalities) territorial and socio-cultural between rural and city schools.