Utilizzo di attività “ponte” online su Moodle in un laboratorio universitario di Intercomprensione fra lingue romanze: dal reale al virtuale e ritorno
Moodle, learning community, intercomprehension, university, laboratory teachingAbstract
During the workshop on intercomprehension between Romance languages, which started in the academic year 2017/2018 at the Linguistic Center of the University of Verona, a Moodle application was used to integrate this with face-to-face teaching. The ways in which online work was combined with face-to- face work led us to coin the phrase “bridge activity”, which will be illustrated in the article. In our opinion, it was not simply a question of “mixed” learning (blended learning) but rather “integrated” learning, given the continuous circle between the virtual and the real which blurred the boundaries between the two. The experience has driven us to deepening the effective technological literacy of university students and the need to reaffirm, in this context, the importance of the learning community.