Se “da soli non ce la fanno”. Come supportare le famiglie di bambini e ragazzi con fragilità educative


  • Claudio Girelli
  • Alessia Bevilacqua



special educational needs, educational fragilities, inclusion, educational network, project of life  


At school, the number of the students with educational fragilities, for which there is no diagnosis, and which can be considered as risk factors for educational failure and early school leaving, is perceived as increasing. The research – developed within the ecological paradigm through a mixed-method approach – was aimed at identifying an interpretative framework on the educational fragilities of struggling and disadvantaged students, the organisational strategies and the interventions implemented to answer to their needs. The research results stress how the family can be considered as an element which could condition the behaviour of children because it is possible to experience situations of conflict, socio-cultural disadvantage or poor educational authoritativeness. It is possible to facilitate the passage of the family context to an active protection factor, promoting participation spaces in a network perspective, aimed at taking care of the students’ global project of life.

