Inter-agire nel miglior interesse delle persone di minore età, tra responsabilità genitoriale ed istituzione scolastica


  • Aurea Dissegna



listening, responsibility, presence, best interests, interdependency


The formation of the person, in its development from childhood to adulthood, is implemented through a “project” that involves many subjects: the family, the school, the social and health agencies, the local authority. Actors with very different responsibilities and competences that contribute, if they are able to interface positively, to promote ease, harmonious growth, and to face those situations in which the well-being seems to get into a crisis. A strategic role is therefore played by a good relationship between all these contexts, which is indispensable for giving effect to the rights enshrined in the International Childhood Convention (CRC). School and family have changed profoundly: in structure, in roles, in the exercise of authority, often incoherent and confused. It is essential to educate the person about the rights; to inter-act with responsibility in order to focus on one of the most complex and difficult right to make receivable: the right to listening participation provided for in Article 12 of the CRC, a transversal right that interfaces with many of the decision-making areas at the family level and in public institutions.

