Storia e racconto nella Matematica della scuola primaria: basi didattiche e sequenza operativa
history and pedagogy of mathematics, early childhood, numeracy, primary schoolAbstract
We discuss the introduction of elements of history of mathematics in primary school. Pedagogical goals are considered, as well as educational strategies, and a learning path spread over 5 grades (from 6 to 10 years old pupils) is presented. This is an action-research developed with qualitative methods. The History of mathematics was presented in single groups in several Italian primary schools in the years 2010-2016 by means of storytelling, using books for children, mainly by Italian authors. Great attention was paid to offering up-to-date historical knowledge. Results regarding understanding and involvement are consistent with Kieran Egan proposals regarding the teaching of history to children. The introduction of history of mathematics moves the focus of school mathematics from numeracy and technical skills to a humanistic education, with good results both for understanding and for the appreciation of mathematics.