Difficoltà nell’applicazione di metodologie cooperative per l’insegnamento della Matematica nella scuola secondaria di II grado. Alcune riflessioni sullo sviluppo dei processi argomentativi
mathematics education, peer education, linear functions, linguistic constructs, argumentation competencesAbstract
The aim of this paper is to point out the specific difficulties observed during the implementation of peer education teaching units of mathematics in some language section classes of secondary schools of Ferrara (Italy). Over the past five years, some experimental studies on the teaching of mathematics have been carried out in Ferrara with the aim of verifying whether it is possible to successfully implement such methodologies in the Italian educational context, and particularly at the higher education level. However, the positive perceptions observed among students and teachers involved in the study and the related motivational and affective aspects, must not detract attention from certain problematic situations that may arise during the teaching process. This paper will outline some of the interaction protocols among students, in which it is possible to identify the difficulties associated with the use of specific linguistic constructs and the resulting insecurity in mathematical discussions. The analysis of the aforementioned critical issues and the elaboration of corrective actions aim to preserve the benefits of using these methodologies, avoiding the use by students of irrational practices and mechanical resolution processes disconnected from a real understanding of mathematical concepts in the field.