The Casal de Pazzi Museum: a Pleistocene deposit in the suburbs of the imperial city


  • Patrizia Gioia Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali MUSEO DI CASAL DE' PAZZI



The Casal de’ Pazzi Museum was built, starting from the 90s, on a Pleistocene deposit, dating to about 200.000 years ago. At the time the site was very different from now as evidenced by the finding of a Neanderthal skull fragment and the fossil remains of Elephas (Palaeoloxodon) antiquus, auroch, hippo, deer, etc. Since its birth, the Museum followed a strong comunicative strategy. In addition to the traditional forms of exhibition, visual and/or interactive communication tools were preferred, with the aim to keep visitor attention. Its achievement is also due to the role played in upgrading an urban peripheral neighborhood through a network of relationships with the territorial, social and cultural background.

