Mammalian faunas and environment from the Würmian Glacial Maximum of the Italian peninsula (approx. 22±2 ka cal BP)


  • Benetto Sala Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali, E.I d’Este 32, I-44100 Ferrara, Italy



During the Würmian Glacial Maximum (approx. 22±2 ka cal BP) the major marine regression resulted in
the emergence of a large part of the Adriatic Basin, forming a very large plain. Many deposits of this period
have been dated with 14C or with human industries referred to the Gravettian (backed points and Noailles
burins). Focusing on the ungulates, in the steep coastal areas of Liguria, Amalfitan coast, some localities of
Cilento, Adriatic coast, and a narrow pre-Alpine piedmont strip, ibex was the most common mammal together
with chamois, and more rarely red-deer. In Po plain and in the hilly strip of Emilia, Romagna and Marche, the
steppe bison was the most common together with elk, but red-deer, roe-deer and equids were more rare. In the
south of the Adriatic coast the ibex was the most common together with horse, and frequently aurochs and
Equus hydruntinus. Along the Tyrrhenian coast red-deer was the most common species, together with roedeer,
boar and aurochs, while in the mountain areas ibex and chamois were the characteristic ungulates.


