Gestione e sfruttamento delle risorse animali durante l’età del Bronzo nel Polesine: i recenti scavi di Larda e Campestrin (Rovigo)


  • Marco Bertolini
  • Ursula Thun Hohenstein



Summary - The earliest evidence of occupation of the area of Polesine during the Bronze Age has been recorded at Canàr and in some other surface deposits dated to the middle Bronze Age. More recently, new sites have been discovered in the eastern area of Polesine, among which Larda di Gavello (RO) and Campestrin di Grignano Polesine (RO) can be referred to an older phase than those documented at Frattesina.

These two sites are located few kilometres south of Rovigo and are dated between the middle and the “recent” Bronze Age according to the typology of the pottery. Excavations have been carried out by the Soprintendenza Archeologica del Veneto (Dr . L. Salzani) and with the collaboration of the Museo dei Grandi Fiumi of Rovigo. The animal assemblages from both sites are dominated by the domestic animals; wild species are also present although poorly represented. Butchery marks are well documented and several modifications are related to animal hard tissues manufacturing. In particular at Campestrin the presence of several deer antlers with chop marks at their bases testifies that these were collected as raw materials; finished artefacts employed for carrying out different activities at the site are also well documented.




