Da Felsina a Bononia: studio archeozoologico e tafonomico dei resti faunistici provenienti dallo scavo urbano di via D’Azeglio (BO)


  • Giulia Rinaldi
  • Bellal Abuhelaleh Petra College for Tourism and Archaeology, Al Hussein Bin Talal University , Jordan.
  • Ursula Thun Hohenstein Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2835-3679




This study was carried out on the animal remains coming from via D’Azeglio, a site excavated in Bologna during the construction of a underground parking. The animal assemblage dates to three different phases of occupation which started in the Iron age and ended in the Roman age. The most represented taxa are among the domestic animals (cattles, pigs and sheep-goats). Wild animals are also attested suggesting that hunting and fishing were sometimes practiced although farming was the most important activity in the site. Bones of horse and vertebrae of fish are only documented in the Villanovian layers while remains of deer’s and wild boar’s bones were found also in the Etruscan phase. Bird’s bones are represented in all the periods. A high number of pig’s remains referring to Etruscan layers are very important to stresses the population growth in Felsina from VI to IV century b.C.  Butchering has been documented trough defleshing traces and offers data concerning the alimentary exploitation. There are also some remains that were been used as raw material for manufacturing activites




