Gestione e sfruttamento delle risorse animali nell'abitato di Spina (Ostellato, FE): analisi archeozoologica dei reperti faunistici.


  • Nicola Briccola
  • Marco Bertolini Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici.
  • Ursula Thun Hohenstein Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici.



Spina (Ostellato, Ferrara) is located between Trebba and Pega valleys, along the ancient course of Padovetere river, naturally linked to the North-West with the Po valley and to the South-West with the Apennines. The faunal studies were focused on materials coming from deposits dated from the V to the III century BC, belonging to the chronological and cultural horizon of the Iron Age. The economy of the site emphasizes the role of the pig, conforming to a regional tradition developed from the VI century BC. The pig was slaughtered before the full maturity was reached and represented the main source of meat for the inhabitants of Spina. Sheep, goat and cattle are less represented among domestic animals, their exploitation wasn't limited only to the recovery of meat but included also secondary sources: milk, working force, reproduction. The hunting played a minor role in the economy of the site, although it is well attested by the presence of slaughtered bones of red deer, wild boar and roe deer. Because of its role as elitist activity, popular between the etruscan aristocracies, importance of social nature is more supposable.




