<i>Satira politica e anticlericale nel </i>Dialogo<i> di Antonio Cammelli detto il Pistoia</i>


  • Alessandra Rozzoni




The dialogue in prose with probable theatrical destination, that precedes the collection of poems by Antonio Cammelli said Pistoia describes the poet’s catabasis in the realm of Death. It was written between 1500 and 1502 in imitation of Dialogue of the Dead by Lucian, both in terms of style, serious and humorous, and for the recovery of some narrative episodes, and Charon by Pontano, also inspired to Lucian’s dialogues. An important innovation is the presence of the author’s stunt, which draws the text closer to the Divine Commedy and its subsequent imitations and parodies. The comparison between some scenes of the declared models highlights the stylistic features and the main themes of this dialogue, which despite not having a solid philosophical foundation, as the humanistic treatises, manages to reaffirm the importance of satire, irony and the humorous poem as a form of social protest and politics.


