<I>L’io e l’Altro. La relazione come fondamento in Jerzy Grotowski</I>


  • Joanna Strutyńska






The questions about the relationship, about the real fact that arises between people, pushed Grotowski towards the theater and accompanied him along his path. So many imprints of this investigation are preserved up to now in the numerous essays left by the Polish director.

          On the following pages, based fundamentally on these writings, I address the topic of the human relationship and how it developed in the various phases of Grotowski's work.

What place does the relation have in the Grotowski’s vision of theater. What are the various ways of meeting others in this theater. Why the search for a living relationship between I and Thou is important for an individual.Why the relationship with the Other is substantial for the development of the individual.I focused on the period "beyond the theater" (starting from the early seventies until 1998) because at that time Grotowski's work was no longer oriented to the creation of a play, but to the investigation of the possibility of meeting with the active participation of everyone, without division between the actors and the audience. The essays I referred to above were the starting point and the basis on which I carried out my research. I worked primarily with the Polish edition from 2012, which is the first complete collection of Grotowski's texts.





Teatro e Cinema