Traversando la Maremma toscana. <i>Genesi e sviluppo di una poesia carducciana</i>


  • Patrizia Console Pentrelli



Traversando la Maremma toscana is a poem, contained in Rime nuove, which Giosuè Carducci composed in 1885, through four versions, after he had seen Maremma during a travel from Bologna to Rome. Three versions are kept in Casa Carducci, in Bologna, and are dated 21st april 1885 whereas the last one was sent by the poet to his friend Giuseppe Chiarini on 23rd of april in 1885. Before being published in the volume Rime nuove, the poem was edited in two journals: La domenica del fracassa and Cultura. A copy of them was kept by the poet with the autographs of the poem. The article examines the origin and the development of the poem both through the critic edition of the autographs and the prints; and an essay which tries to interpret the author's choices, paying attention to the literary models, known by Carducci. An important point is represented by the antithesis that the Tuscan-born poet build during the composition.


