Pro domo mea.<i> La storia come passione civile</i> ( a cura di Marco Bertozzi e Alberto Boschi)


  • Florestano Vancini



On May 18th 2008, film director Florestano Vancini was awarded a Laurea honoris causa from the University of Ferrara. Born in Ferrara in 1926, Vancini started his career in 1960 with the feature La lunga notte del '43, based on a short-story by Giorgio Bassani. Among his most celebrated movies, that share a common interest towards important facts of Italian history, we can mention La banda Casaroli (1962), Le stagioni del nostro amore (1966), Bronte: cronaca di un massacro che i libri di storia non hanno mai raccontato (1972), Il delitto Matteotti (1973). You can find below the texts related to the event: the reasons that made him gain the Laurea; his Lectio doctoralis, on "history as a civic passion", and the introductory speech given by Prof. Marco Bertozzi.


